Welcome 2024 Eaglets!!!!!!
There is a lot happening when transitioning into Boy Troop 58; below is a helpful checklist to follow to help guide you through the process. As always, please contact any of these scout leaders with any questions:
Greta Wolff (Membership Chair) - gretawolff@bellsouth.net
David Kunz (ASM - Eaglet Program) - kunz.david.a@gmail.com
Jim Nabti (ASM - Eaglet Program) - jim3@dchappy.com
Chris Zangara (Scoutmaster) - zangara@mytroop58.com
Brian Pilgrim (Committee Chair) - brian.pilgrim@live.com
Below is a document that will help you through the joining process for Troop 58 and provide you some of the basics about Troop 58 and Scouts BSA. The Troop 58 Recruitment FAQ will give you all the information about Troop 58 and highlight how we operate, key words that you will hear and a brief overview of Scouts BSA. The Eaglet Program Overview is below, it is great to keep this document close by for content and schedules.
If you follow the steps below, it will help you through the process and will help us get you involved with the troop. After all the steps below are complete, your scout will be transferred to the troop automatically. No action needed by you if all the steps below are completed.
Your Upcoming Schedule
Feb. 3, 2024 - Klondike Prep (Fisher Farm)
March 22-24, 2024 - Crossover (Camp Raven Knob)
March 26, 2024 - 1st Eaglet Meeting (TBD)
April 9, 2024 - 2nd Eaglet Meeting (TBD)
April 16, 2024 - 3rd Eaglet Meeting (Congregation House)
April 19-21, 2024 - Troop Trip (Goof Off Trip)
April 23, 2024 - 4th Eaglet Meeting (TBD)
April 30, 2024 - 5th Eaglet Meeting (TBD)
May 4, 2024 - Town Day (Help Lead Running Monkey Bridge)
May 7, 2024 - 6th Eaglet Meeting (TBD)
May 14, 2024 - Eaglets Assigned to Patrols (TBD)
May 17-19, 2024 - Troop Trip (Backpacking Trip)
May 21, 2024 - Troop Court of Honor (TBD)
June 16 - 22, 2024 - Summer Camp (Camp Woodruff)
More information on Trips, Arrival Times and Gear to bring will be discussed at the troop meetings from your Troop Guides
Registration and Dues
Click the link below to Register with the Troop; the information collected will add your scout and your family information to Troopmaster, which is our record keeping application. To join the troop, dues are $206. See below for the explanation of dues.
Troop 58 will invoice you for $206, which you will receive from Scouts BSA Troop 58 (quickbooks@notification.intuit.com). You will have the option to pay with Apple Pay, Zelle, Credit Card, Cash, or Check.
Annually, in September of each year, we collect $250 from every scout for their dues.
If you receive a email from National BSA to pay the national registration fee, we ask family's to ignore that email and the troop will take care of that fee for you.
We have multiple financial assistance options available...if you need assistance, please reach out to Chris Zangara, Scoutmaster, for a confidential and judgement free conversation.
Why do we pay Dues twice this year?
Every year, each unit (Pack, Troop, Venture Crew, Sea Scouts, etc...) nationally MUST pay National Fees for every Scout ($98) registered with that unit. In addition, the unit MUST pay the insurance ($18) for every Scout, and then we also pay for the magazine Scouts Life ($15) for every Scout registered. That is a total of $131. There is also $75 for a partial year troop operational fee.
Troop 58 will pay these fees each year on behalf of every Scout in our troop in March of each year, thus we must collect these fees upfront to complete that payment. The scouts already in the Troop have paid their equivalent dues in September 2023 to pay for their registration from March 2024 – March 2025.
Since Pack 58 is not registering you this year, we must register you and thus need to pay your fees for you. The dues you are paying now, will register you from March 2024 to March 2025, and keep you in sync with the other scouts in the troop.
In September 2024, we collect $250 Dues from every scout, where $131 of that amount is held to pay the National Fees, Insurance and Scout Life for March 2025 – March 2026. The remain $119 is a full year fee for Troop 58 operational costs.
Paying in September will keep you in sync with the rest of the troop. Thus why you are paying $206 now and then $250 again in September 2024.
So, what is the $75 or $119 Operational Costs: These are the costs to run the troop, these pay for the website tools, rental fees for trailers, leadership training and registration, recruiting, advancement items like merit badges, rank and other awards, and portions towards capital replacement and scholarships. It is $75 for partial year and $119 for a full year. The $75 initial fee also covers the Troop Neckerchief, Class B T-Shirt, Scout Handbook, Olive Shoulder Loops, Slide, etc…
Reviewed and Signed Troop 58 Discipline Policy
It is important to sit with your scout and review the discipline policy with them. This will be an annual attestation. Please print this form, sign and your scout will return it to the troop. Mr. Zangara will discuss the Discipline Policy with Scouts and Parents at one of the early troop meetings.
Reviewed and Signed Troop 58 Behavior Contract
It is important to sit with your scout and review the Behavior Contract with them. This will be an annual attestation. Please print this form, sign and your scout will return it to Scoutmaster Zangara. Mr. Zangara will discuss the Behavior Contract with Scouts and Parents at one of the early troop meetings.
Signed Parts A & B of BSA Health Form
Photocopy of your scout’s health card (front and back)
Vaccination section filled out and a photocopy of the vaccination record or letter attesting no vaccinations
The Health Form can be found at: https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/680-001_AB.pdf
Details for your Health Form
Unit Leader: Chris Zangara
Phone: 703-303-0425
Council Name/No: Mecklenburg County Council / 415
Unit No: Boy Troop 58
Return all the Health Documents together, ideally staple them together and return
If your scout is planning to attend Summer Camp then you will need the following:
Schedule your appointment with your Family Doctor and complete Part C of the Health Form before May of this year
Part C can be found at this address: https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/680-001_ABC.pdf
After you have Part C completed, you will need to return a photocopy of all the documents listed above plus Part C in duplicate.
NOTE: You only need to return Part C and duplicates of everything above after your have met with your Family Doctor. All other documents (Part A & B, Vaccination Record and Health Card Photocopy), return that ASAP. In our experience, scheduling your Family Doctor visit as close to June as you can works very well.
Reviewed and Signed Troop 58 Parents Pledge
It takes a lot to effectively run Troop 58. Following Crossover, we will have around 90 scouts and without volunteers we cannot offer a healthy and productive program. While Scouts BSA is led by the scouts, there is plenty of help needed by the parents and other family members. A small bit of support from you will help take pressure off of other leaders. Please reach out to us for more information and we will also schedule time very soon to review opportunities. Please print this form, sign and return to the troop.
Refer to the Troops Event Calendar
Add the scheduled troop trips and events to your calendar. Here is the link to calendar on troop website.