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Troop Eagle Application Process

Step One:
Review the Council Eagle Page linked above. 
Download the Eagle Scout Application and read it in detail.
Let Mr. Kunz know that you are at working on your application as he will provide further guidance.

Step Two:
Complete the Application. 
Reach out to Advancements or Mr. Kunz if you have any questions on some of the details for a report from TroopMaster.

Step Three:
Regarding the letters of reference, you can find a template on the Council Eagle Page linked above.
Request required number of letters to be written, then supply each writer with a pre-addressed stamped envelope to Mr. Kunz's residence, noting your name at the bottom left of the envelope.
Reach out to Mr. Kunz to obtain his address and for further instructions on how to submit letters of reference.

Step Four:
Write a statement of your ambitions and life purpose. 
Reach out to Mr. Kunz if you need any guidance.

Step Five:
The last step will be your final Scoutmaster Conference.
Prepare a binder with your application and project workbooks. 
Reach out to Mr. Kunz to schedule the discussion. 
Thereafter, Council will review your application, then a Board of Review will be scheduled.

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